Craig Wolf has over 20 years of experience in limnology and stream ecology which includes managing and implementing aquatic resource studies to gain a better understanding of the biological responses to physical habitat and water quality conditions. He has worked as a research scientist and consultant in the public and private sector and currently assists clients with Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act issues. Craig’s expertise includes lake and reservoir management, water quality assessment and 401 certification, water quality and biological monitoring, aquatic resource management planning, and regulatory compliance (NPDES, CDPS, MS4). Other areas of expertise include National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) environmental assessment and impact analysis, water quality standards development, instream flows, and stormwater.
Craig’s understanding of watershed issues in the arid west from both a water quantity and water quality perspective has allowed him to integrate these issues and help find solutions to meet the needs of the client and different stakeholder interests. He has collaborated with a variety of stakeholder groups and provided expert testimony on site-specific regulatory issues and the development of water quality standards to protect beneficial uses.