Leslie Suzanne Parker, PWS

Senior Botanist/Wetland Scientist


    B.S., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Santa Cruz

Registrations and Licenses

    Professional Wetland Scientist

Training and Certifications

    International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist
  • California Endangered Species Act Plant Voucher Collecting Permit
  • ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
  • Wilderness First Aid

Leslie Parker is a Senior Ecologist and Professional Wetland Scientist with over fifteen years of experience in the biological field and more than ten years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Her skills include conducting habitat assessments, jurisdictional delineations, rare plant and special-status species surveys, developing impact analyses and mitigation plans, navigating wetland and listed species permitting and agency coordination, as well as evaluating impacts in support of California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Protection Act (CEQA/NEPA) documents. She has applied these skills on a wide variety of water, energy, transportation, and other infrastructure projects.

Leslie provides value to projects at all stages, from early planning to close out. Her technical knowledge is complimented by her ability to coordinate with diverse teams of clients, engineers, and permitting agencies. Leslie is adept at developing early solutions for minimizing impacts on sensitive biological resources and efficiently navigating regulatory processes all while working within the bounds of project schedules and budgets.