Kelly is a Certified Wildlife Biologist, senior wildlife biologist and environmental compliance expert. She has over 27 years of experience in ecological research, program management, environmental regulation and compliance, and terrestrial ecosystem monitoring. She has served as senior wildlife biologist and project manager for a large number of projects that require federal and state-level endangered species permitting and environmental compliance. Kelly specializes in evaluating impacts on threatened and endangered wildlife species and their habitats and coordinating with resource agency staff to ensure compliance with the Federal and State Endangered Species Acts, including completing Section 7 consultation. She is a recognized expert in ESA consultations and impact analysis, and had lead a number of workshops and trainings on federal ESA, California ESA, and California Environmental Quality Act for biologists. Prior to her position at GEI, she spent 4 years conducting ESA consultations as a USFWS biologist, reviewing projects to assess impacts on listed species, providing technical assistance to minimize impacts on listed species, and preparing biological opinions for projects that impacted federally listed species and designated critical habitat. In addition to having worked for USFWS, as well as the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and the Peace Corps, Kelly has worked extensively with state and federal agencies to assist clients with compliance with CESA/ESA, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and CEQA/NEPA. She leads the biological resources team, overseeing field surveys and construction compliance monitoring.