Cindy Davis is a senior regulatory specialist and project manager/director with over 21 years of experience leading natural resources projects. She has a long and successful track record of securing permits and other regulatory approvals for private developers, state agencies, and local jurisdictions. Her project management experience includes directing projects pertaining to restoration; flood control and water storage; infrastructure; residential, commercial, and government buildings; and transportation.
Ms. Davis provides a unique blend of strong skills in program and contract management; strategic planning; focused problem solving; outstanding relationship with key federal, state, and local regulatory agencies; and knowledge of local natural resources constraints and opportunities.
Ms. Davis has extensive experience in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) wetland regulations and the permitting process pursuant to Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act. She is proficient in Endangered Species Act and California State Endangered Species Act compliance with considerable experience in Section 7 consultations. To facilitate permit acquisition, Cindy has developed positive and productive relationships with the representatives of regulatory agencies like USACE, CDFW, USFWS, and RWQCB.
She has experience conducting numerous field surveys and assessing impacts on biological resources for California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Policy Act documents and statutory compliance. Her experience includes resource inventories, wetland delineations and evaluations, preconstruction surveys, habitat evaluations, and baseline wildlife surveys.