The basis for the assessment of ecological health is through field surveys and inventories of biological communities, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, algae, plant communities, and wetlands, and their associated habitats, including terrestrial, freshwater, and marine.

This can be comprised of either quantitative or qualitative sampling programs, and often follows published state and federal methods, protocols, and guidance.

GEI has extensive experience surveying, assessing, and managing terrestrial and aquatic biota and habitats across the U.S. Our scientists, including certified arborists, wetland scientists, soil scientists, certified wildlife biologists, certified restoration ecologists, and professional wetland scientists encompass numerous fields of expertise, such as botany, wildlife, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, birds, fish, and mussels. We routinely conduct species and habitat inventories and prepare resource management and mitigation plans to minimize project impacts, obtain project approvals and maintain and/or restore native ecosystems.



Critical Issues

  • Changing political climates and the updated regulations that often result from new administrations. New regulations often create uncertainty and ambiguity about implementation.
  • Climate change and resiliency and how it affects all components of the ecosystem.
  • Innovative thinking. By using the latest technology available, drones/UAVs, and programs such as ArcGIS Online and Survey 123, GEI streamlines data collection and consistently improves on analysis techniques.


As natural resource stewards and recognized experts in their disciplines, many of our professionals have assisted regulatory agencies in development of policies and regulations at all levels of government.

The GEI team maintains effective working relationships with stakeholders and regulatory agencies to help expedite critical authorizations while meeting the goals of the project.



GEI has extensive experience surveying, assessing, and managing terrestrial and aquatic biota and habitats across the U.S.

Our scientists, including certified arborists, wetland scientists, and soil scientists, encompass numerous fields of expertise, such as botany, wildlife, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, birds, fish, and mussels.

We routinely conduct species and habitat inventories and prepare resource management and mitigation plans to minimize project impacts, obtain project approvals, and maintain and/or restore native ecosystems.

Wetlands and Waterways

GEI offers a range of basic services, including wetland determinations and delineations, functional and quality assessments, and mitigation monitoring. With their in-depth knowledge of federal, state, and local regulations and ordinances, GEI can assist the project with permitting needs, including Clean Water Act Sections 401 and 404.

For inquiries about work in a specific region please contact:

East: Laura Schwanof

Central: Katie Unke Ehrenberg

Mountain: Sarah Skigen-Caird

West: Kelly Fitzgerald-Holland

Terrestrial and Aquatic Surveys

Terrestrial surveys include assessing mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and plant communities. Marine and freshwater aquatic environments are evaluated through surveys of the fish, invertebrates, zooplankton, and algae.

Our field biologists have extensive experience with all types of sampling equipment and methods for the collection of biological data as well as critical experience working with agencies in compliance with state and federal regulations, including but not limited to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

For inquiries about work in a specific region please contact:

East: Laura Schwanof

Central: Katie Unke Ehrenberg

Mountain: Sarah Skigen-Caird

West: Kelly Fitzgerald-Holland

Monitoring of Environmental Conditions

GEI conducts many long-term monitoring studies for a variety of clients, including mines, wastewater treatment facilities, power utilities, oil and gas facilities, and others.

GEI is knowledgeable in long-term field data collection for freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments, and can perform all aquatic macroinvertebrate initial sample analysis, taxonomy, and enumeration in our Ecological Laboratory located in Denver, Colorado.

For inquiries about work in a specific region please contact:

East: Laura Schwanof

Central: Katie Unke Ehrenberg

Mountain: Jeniffer Lynch

West: Kelly Fitzgerald-Holland

Meet the Team

Katie J. Unke Ehrenberg

Senior Project Manager/Ecological Practice Leader

Steven M. Rice, CWB

Senior Professional

Sarah B. Skigen-Caird

Ecology Division Manager/Senior Environmental Scientist

Kelly Fitzgerald-Holland, CWB

Senior Wildlife Biologist & Regulatory Specialist

Ryan R. Holem


Jeniffer S. Lynch

Aquatic Biologist

Laura A. Schwanof, RLA

Landscape Architect/Ecological Practice Leader

Stuart N. Kogge, PWS

Senior Wetland/Aquatic Biologist

Anne King

Senior Biologist

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